pdfs export in web build?

I’ve used itextsharp to create a way to export a pdf (which creates a file) while in-game and it works if you’re in an exe build, but not if you’re in a web build. I’m also using encodetopng which I assume doesn’t work for web unless wwwform is added? But I’m not sure about pdf export while in a web build. Is it possible to export pdfs in a web build and what steps do I need to take to do this?

No, not directly. The webplayer doesn’t allow any file access to the users filesystem. The only way in your case would be to send the generated data to the web server where your “game” is hosted and then start a regular download of the file via javascript inside the webpage.

That’s not very nice especially because it increases your server traffic, but it’s the only way i know (beside showing the data as a Hex string in a text field and have the user copy it in an hex editor xD)