Peculiar Light issue (with video)

Hey guys ‘n’ girls,

I have a funny issue where lights turn on and off depending on the position of my character. Please note that nothing on the object in question is changing… Here’s a video to see it happening in action in the editor:

Has anyone come across this kind of issue before?

Yep, you can only have so many point lights. Most shaders support about 4 at a time, I believe. (This is how many lights you can have affecting a single object, such as your floor; in another part of the world, affecting completely different objects, you could probably have another 4.)

Basically, think of point lights as really expensive, and try not to use so many… or be prepared for them to turn on and off as stuff moves around. See if you can get the effect you want with textures instead. You could also look into whether light-mapping would work for you.

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Awesome! I have something I can look into now, Many thanks Joe!!! You da best :wink: