I had submitted an asset to the asset store “Extended FPS Controller Kit” on 23-April 2013, and then I resubmitted it on 1-May 2013, and still it is pending for review!? Please can you tell me if there is any problem or what is happening? I have clients waiting for this asset, also I have deadlines for my company, so I need an answer from the asset store team.
Politely email caitlyn. If you have done so, then you’ll just have to wait. You’re not entitled to premium support just because you send some stuff across the internet.
I once had an issue with a failed submission that made me wait two weeks for nothing. The Assetstore administration listed the package as “pending”, but I didn’t receive a confirmation mail, so I guess it never made it into the review queue. So, if you didn’t receive a mail confirming the submission, try to resubmit the package.
Depending on the complexity of the asset I assume it takes longer. My Tatakai asset took 2 weeks and they also found some points they wanted changed. However Multi Material Mask Shader… which is much simpler… was approved in 2 days, so it really depends. I get the impression they are somewhat under-resourced for the asset store department, but that’s just my speculation. The review process is usually pretty thorough and I can see why it takes so much time also considering the volume of submitted assets.
It’s really hard to just sit by patiently waiting, but there’s not much alternative. Hopefully in the future asset store submissions will be improved… it would be nice to have a bit more feedback then just “pending” for two weeks. I HATE ticket type support systems but something similar might help improve this area? I would also love to see statistics / demographics for my asset sales… the absence of any type of consumer data is a real killer for sellers.
The current Asset Store is a great start, but it really needs to start “maturing” if Unity wants it to grow. Just my 2 cents.
15 days and nothing yet but my plugin is not complex at all, the meta-assets took me more time than the code.
(It’s an android plugin that calls Toast on UI thread (simple but useful :p)).
I wanted to test the asset store (how to send assets in there), now I know: it takes a lot of time ^^
They must have a lot of assets to review, I guess… ^^’
It’s now 3 years later and I’m in the same boat. I submitted my asset nearly a month ago and still nothing from the reviewers… plus, no way to contact them that I can find… so… I’ll have to try resubmitting, but I’m probably not going to continue working on Unity packages if it’s going to take this long every time I want to post an asset.
DON’T resubmit, there’s a good chance that will reset your position in the queue.
You can contact Unity support, but they’ll most likely tell you to just keep waiting.
There’s currently a backlog (unfortunately that often seems to be the case) so I’d expect it to take a few weeks for an initial submission.
If it’s any consolation, posting an asset initial release takes the longest, after that (when updating the asset) you should get faster turnaround times.