Penelope Tutorial on iPhone 1.7


I'm using the most recent Unity iPhone to follow Penelope's tutorial and I'm getting a lot of problems.

When I place the coordinates on the joysticks they are not shown on the screen, can this be my mistake?

Is there any tutorial specific for version 1.7?

Thank you.

I am having the same problem. They show up in the game view but not on the device. Did you ever figure this out?

it is possible that you moved the "player XXX controls" object in the hierarchy. if you are trying to position the player and you accidentally (or purposely) move that object you will lose the joystick buttons. If this is the case and set that object to a position of (0,0,0) in the inspector and the buttons will show up on screen again.

Hi im also having problem with the penelope tutorial. lots of it! i followed the tutorial in making the controller setups. but all of them are having problems. like in the Tap Control Setup whenever i tap anywhere the standin don't move/follow even though it is connected right. penelope's Fbx 3d model wont show up on the scene view after i import the package and add it on my scene to replace the standin. Is there a problem with this penelope tutorial? I think this is built on older version of unity iphone. Im using the 1.7. Even the complete version is having problem. I open the EmeraciteMine.unity run the program. Nothing happened. help with this.