Penguins Invasion (iPhone)

Here at Frogames we were following Unity3D since the beginning (I remember emailing one of the Unity founders asking for a beta :wink: ).
Last january we decided to switch from TGE to Unity for our iPhone developments.
For our first iPhone game we’re trying to make something very simple: a Whack-A-Mole.

iPhone Project #1 - Day 2

One of the first prototypes we made (we now have 7 iPhone prototypes, thanks to Unity!).
This one use 3d objects and a tilting camera. Later we decided that it’s not useful for a game like our so will use only 2d elements.

iPhone Project #1 - Day 4

We have now 2 scenes : one for the menu and one for the game. The loading process between the two scenes wasn’t satisfying for us so in later versions we merged them into 1 scene (1 script will manage the menu, 1 will manage the game. Each will be activated when needed).

iPhone Project #1 - Day 8

This is the last video to date. A lot of progress had been made.

  • Final theme for the game
  • Name of the game: Penguins Invasion
  • Localization system (fr/en/de/jp/es)
  • Achievements system
  • Faster shaders
  • Unity iPhone Enhancement kit (many thanks bliprob!)
  • Online scores
  • 3 types of bombs + 1 bonus (1up) + 1 malus

If you want to follow the development of the game you can check my personal blog (in french), you’ll find 5 other videos in the archives.

I’ll try to keep this thread alive with new video from now on.

Yeah, funny. With the right sound effects and music you are on the right way to create a new funny little game.

So Cool!!!

Like 2 Day!

New video available!

Penguins Invasion - Day 9

  • Music (menu + ingame)
  • Localized elements added (fr/en/de/jp/es)
  • Online scores now use Google App Engine
  • A lot of time was spent optimizing the game. Those interested can get my personnal cheat sheet for Unity iPhone optimization here (optimisations.rtf).

How-to in japanese

Achievements in spanish

Oh god, the pseudo-stereoscopic effect in the first is AWESOME. Why oh why did you find it useless ? :cry:

To be honest, mixing a whack-a-mole with this astonishing visual effect would have given huge amounts of dynamism … You should reimport it, IMHO :slight_smile:

Looks fantastic, nice work!

Thanks guys.

@n0mad : the 3d effect didn’t added anything to gameplay and was a little annoying when playing.

Can you provide more info on how you communicate with Google App Engine? In the past I’ve used PyAMF, but would like advice on the best method with Unity3d.
