Here at Frogames we were following Unity3D since the beginning (I remember emailing one of the Unity founders asking for a beta ).
Last january we decided to switch from TGE to Unity for our iPhone developments.
For our first iPhone game we’re trying to make something very simple: a Whack-A-Mole.
One of the first prototypes we made (we now have 7 iPhone prototypes, thanks to Unity!).
This one use 3d objects and a tilting camera. Later we decided that it’s not useful for a game like our so will use only 2d elements.
We have now 2 scenes : one for the menu and one for the game. The loading process between the two scenes wasn’t satisfying for us so in later versions we merged them into 1 scene (1 script will manage the menu, 1 will manage the game. Each will be activated when needed).
This is the last video to date. A lot of progress had been made.
- Final theme for the game
- Name of the game: Penguins Invasion
- Localization system (fr/en/de/jp/es)
- Achievements system
- Faster shaders
- Unity iPhone Enhancement kit (many thanks bliprob!)
- Online scores
- 3 types of bombs + 1 bonus (1up) + 1 malus
If you want to follow the development of the game you can check my personal blog (in french), you’ll find 5 other videos in the archives.
I’ll try to keep this thread alive with new video from now on.