Per-tile color alpha is not what I set it to be


I’m trying to write a shader that uses per-tile color as a custom per-tile data. In my vertex function I pass the vertex color to the fragment function without multiplying it by anything else. I would expect that the color I have in the shader is exactly what I set in TileChangeData, and in red, green, and blue channels it is. However, in alpha channel I’m getting something different.

I did make sure that the tilemap color is a opaque white, so it shouldn’t be caused by multiplication by it. Other channels work as intended, so I assume the per-tile color is set correctly.

How is the alpha channel of a per-tile color different from all the other channels? Is there a way to force tilemap to pass the alpha value as is, without modifying it? Or is there a way to extract the intended value from what is in the vertex color?