I’ve wanted to buy this since i saw the kickstarter. They recently opened for USA and Canada.
Has anyone tried this, I’d like to hear some feedback or experiences.
I don’t think many have yet since they started shipping to kickstarter backers only few days ago and said it can take week or two.
They actually started shipping USA couple months ago, i think many might have it by now.
I want it, too.
But they’re not shipping to europe yet.
Hope when they officially start shipping in Jul/Aug they also have it available for Europe.
When i see the KS prices and what the retail price is i wish I’d have known about it in time.
Nope. The only people who have tried em or may have have some mid version are partners, exhibition visitors or etc.
Yes, my bad, i confused it with kickstarter donators and partners.
i found this , with worldwide delivery http://www.ebay.de/itm/PERCEPTION-NEURON-Motion-Capture-Controller-Oculus-Rift-DK2-NEU-/231681051081
EBay is the website I won’t shop in.
One of my friends was ripped off…twice