Perfect 2d image

I hate to ask another question about 2d images, as I’ve read much information out there about this topic, but I’ve tried it all…

I have a .tga file 2048 X 512: Filter mode set to point, RGBA 32 BIT, Max Size 2048, wrap mode clamp, deactivated mip mapping, using a basic, texture-only shader, all on a quad I made in Maya, using an orthographic camera with 1/2 screen height accounted for… and I STILL get scratchy edges… WHAT COULD BE GOING WRONG HERE???

If you have quite a bit of time, you could try going into a program like Photoshop, trace over the black parts (but only what you want black) and then fill in the other parts. (using a layer for the original under a new layer)

I realize that this takes a lot of time, but I have found that it works/helps.

If you want to try this, but think that I wasn’t clear enough, just message me and i’ll help. :slight_smile: