Perfect Golf

Perfect Parallel has been working on developing the Perfect Golf World. How do you like our “Playable Content” so far?

Without Unity… We would have never been able to have achieved so much in a such a short time. Golf course terrains can be quite complex to deal with, so to make thing’s easier and more efficient we developed all sorts of cool stuff and called it Courseforge! This helps us and soon others to develop amazing course content in record time :slight_smile: Check it out an early version of Courseforge.

We know that Golf is perceived to be a little stuffy… well it doesn’t have to be. One of the games that we are planning to release as part of the release of our Perfect Golf World is, “Cart Paths Only.” Everyone loves to drive golf carts, especially where they are not supposed to :slight_smile: Here is an example of what we are thinking… Would you play?

There are many reasons to love Unity! One of our favorite reasons is our ability to deliver playable content on multiple platforms. We got our start in the Golf Simulation Industry…and our plan is to release our playable content on all major platforms and/or partner with others to develop games using our workflow and tools that we have built to work with Unity. Check out an early release of Perfect Range on a 3 Screen Golf Simulator playable with real clubs and balls.

Looks really good! And the golf cart driving minigame looked hilarious : D

Wow absolutely beautiful! Great job! Really captures the spirit and atmosphere :wink:

Fantastic work on that editor. The results look incredibly realistic.

Thank you Virror!

Thank you Ethanninja!

Thank you for noticing hellraizerhhh!

beautiful… :slight_smile:

Wow, i would love to play golf on that course!

This looks great. Are you using Unity’s default tree/ foliage editor? Do you have any plans to release any of these tools on the asset store?

Simply amazing! It’s like perfect.:smile:

When do you plan to publish the Course Forge?