Whenever someone pushes changes, we get that error.
We are compiling our code into a C# dll and do rebuild it upon pulling changes. Could it be that Unity assigns new ID’s to the scripts as they are rebuilt?
Whenever someone pushes changes, we get that error.
We are compiling our code into a C# dll and do rebuild it upon pulling changes. Could it be that Unity assigns new ID’s to the scripts as they are rebuilt?
I know this is an old topic, but was curious if you ever found an answer to this? My team and I are seeing the exact same problem - whenever someone on the team syncs our game objects with attached scripts are showing this, despite the fact that the scripts are pulled and compiled properly. So far we’ve only had success by removing the old script component and re-adding the same one every time someone syncs, but it is starting to becoming very annoying as we had more and more objects.
Actually, we found the issue (at least in our case). We were not pushing the meta files up into perforce properly since the default setup for the project was hidden meta files. After switching everyone’s project setting to “Visible meta files” and uploading the meta files, the issue was solved.
As I understand it, the GUIDs were different because this information is saved in the meta file while the actual game object / component setup is saved in the scene file, so the script component was never able to find the GUID is was looking for except on the machine that did the original change.