Performance cost of using character collider?

I am attempting to get an update to this question: Should a Character Controller attach with Rigidbody? - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions

There are conflicting answers. From my understanding since the character controller uses a collider with no rigidbody attached there will be a performance penalty.

“You should never move a Static
Collider on a frame by frame basis.
Moving Static Colliders will cause an
internal recomputation in PhysX that
is quite expensive and which will
result in a big drop in performance.
On top of that the behaviour of waking
up other Rigidbodies based on a Static
Collider is undefined, and moving
Static Colliders will not apply
friction to Rigidbodies that touch it.
Instead, Colliders that move should
always be Kinematic Rigidbodies.”

On the other hand there is another answer that says:

“The character controller (CC) - at
least as implemented in PhysX, that is
a kinematic CC - is a very specific
piece of code working alongside (but
outside of) the main physics
simulation (rigid body dynamics).
Although the CC do use a capsule
collider, the collision is typically
performed “by hand” in the CC code
rather than automatically through the
physics simulation like other

Does anyone have more insight into this?

Read this:

Also this:

Pretty much answers your question I believe.