Performance drop after upgrading to 2021.2.9

What addressables version are you using?


In Unity 2021.3.11f1 with Addressables 1.19.19 my addressable instantiation time doubles on Android, memory footprint is the same. Downgraded Addressables to 1.18.19 and the issue is gone.

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Noticed the same here, 1.19.19 performs the worst, 1.18.19 performs the best, and it seems like that 1.21.1 performs the same as 2020.3 with 1.19.19.

Two years later, the issue still persists!
@kahyong_unity Can you update us on the situation?

We had to upgrade from 2020 to 2021 because of unsupported target API on android. But we are now experiencing significant performance regression in our game.

Are you able to raise a bug report for this? The original issue mentioned in the above thread already has a fix landed on 2021.3.4f1 and I am presuming you have upgraded on a version that is beyond that so it is likely a different matter that needs a different line of investigation. Thanks.

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Thank you for the swift reply!

Our version is latest LTS at the time - 2021.3.40f1
We are still trying to figure out what went wrong ourselves. Seems like only development build is affected, which is weird… So we’re trying to get more concrete info, before filing a bug report.
Could you tell what was causing the previous problem (that was already fixed)? Might be relevant for us.

Firstly, the issue is with the Android gradle in the Editor and has nothing much to do with the Addressables package, which is why the fix is mainly on the Android platforms side. It appears that Gradle is creating archives marked as deflate instead of store (both are compression methods). Which means the archive files are compressed and requires to be decompressed during loading time, increasing its duration. The fix is to make those archives as store. If you follow the reproduction steps mentioned in Unity Issue Tracker - [Addressables] Bundles get compressed in Android builds, you can check this on your end. If you are not seeing the same thing, you are not dealing with the same issue on your end.

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After some testing, it seems that we indeed had deflate-compressed bundles, reason for it being our custom gradle template, that we didn’t update after migrating to a newer version.

Thanks @kahyong_unity !
You’re an exemplary support member, I wish it was always as easy as this :slight_smile: