Hi… how many average fps can handle ps3 and xbox 360 ?..
I’m not sure you’re asking the right question.
FPS is the metric by which performance is measured (well, one of)… it’s the output not the input.
All of them. :3
oh, excuse me, you were right, i mistaken, the question was with Drawcalls… !.. how many drawcalls for ps3… ?
number of draw calls as well as the FPS depend on what you’re rendering. Do you have a empty scene or is it filled with shader textured srufaces?
I am going to assume you are asking about some form of performance benchmark for the platforms. Here:
Multisampled Fill Rate
Xbox 360 - 16.0 Billion Samples/sec (8 ROPS x 4 Samples x 500MHz)
PS3 - 8.0 Billion Samples/sec (8 ROPS x 2 Samples x 500MHz)
Pixel Fill Rate with 4x Multisampled Anti-Aliasing
Xbox 360 - 4.0 Billion Pixels/sec (8 ROPS x 4 Samples x 500MHz / 4)
PS3 - 2.0 Billion Pixels/sec (8 ROPS x 2 Samples x 500MHz / 4)
Pixel Fill Rate without Anti-Aliasing
Xbox 360 - 4.0 Billion Pixels/sec (8 ROPS x 500MHz)
PS3 - 4.0 Billion Pixels/sec (8 ROPS x 500MHz)
Yeah, something like that, for instance, i made the same question before but for android target, someone said me that android can´t handle more than 200 drawcalls, and i was wondering what is the limit for ps3… but that benchmark can serve me… thanks all!
Simon: i meaning what is the limit the ps3 and xbox can handle in softness fps… (by drawcalls) but is iok.
FPS is not totally related to drawcalls at all whatsoever. Drawcalls has no relation to GPU performance, it is a CPU driven task on mobile.
For your average frames per second you will want to be looking at:
Fill rate (GPU)
Shader calculation time (GPU)
Draw calls (CPU)
Skinning (CPU/GPU) - depend on platform
etc etc etc
There’s an amazing amount of variables to take into consideration. As you get more experienced, you become really good at guessing simply because it’s like a game, humans will simply get good at it.
As you don’t have any experience I would imagine you need to make a lot of tests on the console hardware with dummy scenes, and set some good budgets for development (poly count, fill rate, shaders etc etc etc).
Basically you should set up your media so it is easy to downscale. This is how big boys work. You’ll have massive source textures, massive polycount models and shaders that hit like a ton of bricks.
Then just halve everything each time til performance is hitting your target, and then raise stuff while tweaking. For me it doesn’t take long to do this - about a day, but then I am indie and am not dealing with Arkham City
all clear.!, thanks for your information… that will be enough to understand…