Did you have the Game View open while looking at that Profiler Window? Cause that looks like your Editor is running at 285FPS for most frames except for those spikes which I’ll presume are there due to the ProfilerWindow getting repainted (which happens at an interval that is lower than the rest of the Editor/Game View, so that it doesn’t muddy up the data so much.). The screenshot of the Game View shows that the main Thread there is running at 30ms/32FPS so I guess the Profiler Screenshot just shows the Editor UI getting painted really fast.
I guess that already gives us a first hint: The bulk of the performance cost is only there if something is being drawn, so it’s likely Rendering and or GPU work that is heavy. You might want to therefore look at the interplay between the Main Thread and the Render Thread. However, if it ends up that the difference is mostly the time spend in the EditorLoop, you should switch the Profiler target to Editor to see what is happening underneath that EditorLoop sample. There’s also a list of common samples that are explained in the Profiler Documentation that might help.
So, make sure that what the profiler is showing you is actually the Game running.
There are some ways to mitigating the Performance cost of having the Profiler Window open for profiling Playmode:
- Start Recording in the Profiler Window and tab out of the Profiler Window (or even close it)
- Once you have some data, tab back and stop recording to inspect it.
- You don’t need to start/stop recording via the Profiler Window UI, you can just use the RecordToggle Shortcut, default is F9 but can be reassigned using the shortcut manager
With this, you don’t even need to open the profiler until you captured some frames and stopped recording.
Likelihood is you’d want to be doing that (and maybe remap that button) if you profile with a headset on.
You might also want to go to the Preferences and check out the Profiler section. You can amp up that frame count if the relevant frames would otherwise be gone from view too fast.
If you want to Profile the Editor while in Playmode but still use the shortcut, toggle recording on with F9 before entering Playmode, or start recording via the window, targeting Editor, and close/tab out of the Window. In either case you can still use the shortcut to stop recording.
Get some representative captures from both PCs, save them and load them into the Profile Analyzer. Capture once without Deep Profiling (for a rougher overview that doesn’t inflate scripting samples (blue in Timeline) so much due to the profiling overhead), and one with Deep Profiling on each machine.
Also try adding the GPU Profiler module and check what it tells you about GPU profiler support. If you can change some things to get it to be supported, like the Graphics API and turning of Graphics Jobs, you can also take a 3rd capture of both machines with GPU profiling data. Profile Analyzer doesn’t yet support comparing that data, and changing things to allow for GPU Profiling and even having the GPU Profiler running changes the performance quite a bit. But you could still save those out, open up 2 Editors (or one per machine) and load that data back into the Profiler. You can then compare the two sets manually to see if anything sticks out. At this point, relative differences are more important than absolute numbers.
Welcome to the the Profiler World then 
This Unite Now Introduction video could be quite useful to get started, as well as the Profiler Manual pages