Performance question - Audiosources

Hi all,

I have a question about performance ceilings. I have a hundred different units in the screen during playtime. I am about to add some audio to my game, but I am afraid that 100 sound sources will cause a massive performance drop. Can unity and a standard PC handle that many sources or are there different solutions?

I haven’t tested myself, but I expect that what matters is the number of playing sources. Dormant ones probably don’t hurt aside from the memory they sit on.

Pooling might still be a good idea, though.

Got 300 hundred audio Source on ipad 2 running well (didn’t see much difference with and without).

But main issue remain when all playing to the same time creating exponential sound level then huge noisy on device.
Then need to write script able to limit the number of instance for the same sound playing at the same time.