performance questions

  1. Beside the memory usage what gives faster fps? Compressed textures or non compressed textures?

  2. Is using bilinear or trilinear filtering reducing fps a lot?

  3. I’ve read that creating an instance from a prefab and destroying later might not make the memory free again. Will this problem be obsolete with the next release?

To answer my first question 2 bit compressed gives fastest fps - at least for a really small texture in my test

If you haven’t watched it yet, there is much optimization info in the Unite 2008 video on the website.

Also check
Reference Manual > Developing for the iPhone > Optimizing iPhone Performance

In my experience, texture size/compression have no visible effect on framerate, just memory usage and the initial time to load them. The test I ran was to take my complete game and downres all textures to absolute minimum size. The framerate looked pretty much the same, despite the fact that I’d cut my texture memory by 75%.

Not sure about bilinear vs. trilinear filtering though.

To answer your third question, I believe all of the known memory leaks have been resolved in the next release, which is in final beta testing.

It depends. If your main bottleneck is memory bandwidth - then both compressed textures and bilinear filtering would be faster option. The best way to figure out is to try both with your game and see if it affects performance - if not, then go with an option which gives you the best visual look.