Perfromance of Button transition (animation)

Hi everyone,i have a question about the perfromance of UI transitions (animation),what is the cost of animated each button of all my UI ?
I trying to make a mobile UI System using new prefabs system (nested prefabs)…so i have one prefab,
eg: Back_Button … this has differents components like Image,Button (script),sound emitter…and i want animate this button (simple animated like change scale when button in clicked).
Keeping mind that is a mobile game…whats is the best way to animate IU ? Any third-party tool ? like Itween …Any tips ?


Thanks… :smile:

Try using the built in Animator. Here’s a video I use when I need to remember how to animate (even though the video itself is about dialogue systems).

If you want to see the ‘cost’ of using an animation, try looking at the profiler by clicking Window > Analysis > Profiler, and comparing CPU usage with them on and off (assuming that’s what you mean by ‘cost’). As long as your scripting is efficient, it shouldn’t be expensive.

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Yes,when i tell “cost” i talking about “performance”… Thanks for your help :slight_smile: