When considering buying a game development product. the questions you must first ask are
A) How much would it cost me in both time and money to instead outsource development of my own component.
B) Can I extend and modify the code to suit my own purposes.
Some answers for you.
1) Development time of a fully functions interaction system, with voiced content/ storyboards , sound effects etc can be create just by you in at leas 30 minutes if you want well structured content. outsourcing and development would take a few weeks or months if the system is being built from the ground up.
2) Yes, you can modify all of the code used in game. and you can create your own extensions. If you want hands on help then you will get that help.
NOTE: This is an old definition and the system has exponentially changed see first post
We have received several requests for BETA tests.
We have also been asked the very important question “Which are the advantages of this vs Fungus”
Our Answer to this :
"Its a far simpler and straightforward creation process than Fungus, twine and Articy draft. Its dedicated to the storytelling and storyboarding process while allowing you to do voiceover and text or combination of both add sound effects to actions and events.
In Storytellers Timeline window you can set delays , interaction time and change character interaction just by dragging an element in the timeline. simple Storyteller handles the complex processes internally.
We developed the full story for our 3D Game Misadvetures of pan. 60+ pages long story. with fully times dialogue and even a full game flow diagram which can give up to about 36 different gameplay scenarios. and all we have to do is switch and sample a scenario in storyteller is click a single button. we can then export all 36 of those scenarios as text if we want, with audio and picture. not just a text file.
Furthermore you can grab characters in your storyteller scene and watch their interactions with each other and make changes to the interaction in the timeline.
Storyteller also prevents loosely scripted characters, there are other system being added to prevent the kind of flaws we often see in stories.
The real target of your question will be our Game-Bridge extension for Storyteller in Unity.
With the Game-Bridge extension for unity , you will be able to import your fully timed story, and sample all your scenes or whatever you want to sample and use in game, with or without voiceover and text. Game-Bridge will have to do all the integration tasks and heavy lifting.
game bridge is now running in my scene and it looks good
Storyteller has been improved to allows for time loops .
so you can create stories about time travel l and literally travel back in time in the story and change the past … as I will show in the nest storyteller tutorial.
right now i’m working on the dialogue building aspect of Game bridge. it look fantastic .
Added - Template system for creating templates of scenes . this is being used to provide customers with templates of story types like the Dating Sim template which i now included with the Storyteller.
Added - Screenshot system. This will automatically take a complete screenshot of your entire canvas and generate a large image from it.
Added - Time loop ability in link and route nodes.
improved context menu
improved node selector
Added - Game bridge trigger in context menu (wont launch the game bridge yet )
Added timeline character sample toggles.
Added BETA story sample editor for sampling character interactions.
Added - exit trigger for storyteller interface so that you can return to the main menu
Revamped - the temporary story data structure so that you will not lose your story data if you accidentally close unity and did not save your story
Added - Quick Node creation system
As an articy:draft user (since three years) the first look seems to be interesting. For me it’s not really clear, what Storyteller is. Sorry. Is it a dedicated framework for storyboarding, planning storylines, collect characters and so on.
You spoke about Fungus - is it a whole subsystem, like “Fungus”, “Game Creator” and others? Can I create whole games (incl. menü, save/load, dialogues, imagery, sound…) with Storyteller or do I plan it only?
I develop text adventures, 2d- and 3d-adventures and visual novels. So I used Fungus in the past, now dialogue system and Adventure Creator. Can Storyteller replace subsystems like Fungus or Dialogue System or other visual novel assets? Will there be any connection to Adventure creator for exporting dialogues?
I am recently learning that I am bad at explaining so i’m gonna take it slow.
Lets just say its a dedicated tool for creating :
stories (linear, non-linear, epic, scripts, plays etc…)
planning (game flow diagram etc)
and more …
Storyteller is only used to create this content. Our FREE Storyteller add-on , named Game Bridge which is currently still in BETA is what will allow you to use all your created dialogue, stories in your game (without coding)
Storyteller as it is now already make dialogue creation far more simple and faster than the tools you mentioned. However you will need to use Game Bridge to use the content you create in storyteller in your game scene.
Here is an example if a Dating sim template which comes with storyteller.
With game bridge I would be able to generate this entire dating sim story inside my game scene and begin playing through the dating sim.
Lets assume that we want to use our dating sim in our game. We just create a empty gameobject and then click “Dialoguer”, select the dating sim project and it will be sent over into the Game scene.
So i can easily move my created stories and dialogue into the game scene but there is still a lot of work to do.
Storyteller update 2018.5.2 will be released in a few days.
Here are the Updates
-Mood tag for allowing you to add more personality to character dialogue and actions.
-New Colour picker because the Default unity colour picker is buggy
-Updated and new shortcut keys
Updated Context menu
-Updated Screenshot system
Unity 5.4.6 and up release, Unity 2017.4 and up release, Unity 2018.3 and up release
Unity 2019 release will follow once unity 2019 is released.
Storyteller 2018.5.3 Release will have these updates
Better HTML exports (fix takes about a day or two)
Fixed hopping text for some text fields (fix takes less then 2 minutes)
Improved color picker (fix takes about 2 hours or so)
Storyteller 2018.6 Release will have these updates