Pet Puppy - New Pet Sim Coming Soon!

Hey guys,

Here are some details about my new pet based game. Not really sure where on the app store it best fits (entertainment?). Some ideas would be helpful! Cheers. :slight_smile:

Nice work, it looks well done is there more than one setting available for to keep your pet ??

I’m gonna pet me so many puppies!

Alright, the game has hit the app store!


Here’s the link

I have used RK7YKTK6PFN9
I will leave a rating once my daughter has played it.
I did notice an issue on the iPad, the game starts up, and the title is partially off the screen, and very large, the puppy is sitting on the bench, and I am unable to do anything. Did you test this on an iPad, or at least on the iPad simulator. I am wondering if something is a bit off resolution wise ( titles and menus in wrong spot perhaps ).

Ah, dang. I did not mean to release it as supposedly supporting the iPad. I don’t think I can fix that unless I issue a new build :frowning:

The images make it look like a whole lot of fun! I can’t test it for you, since I don’t own iAnything. Not sure what category it would fit in either, but entertainment sounds good!

PS: If you buy me a straw hat I may dance too!