Phidget is like Arduino (we did also a connection to Arduino but this i will tell here on another day) an Interface board. So create your own private interface for exhibitions or something you wanna do - other InteractionDesign .-)
We implemented not the whole libraries (you could do on your own), we just made a little client for the phidget “webservice” and there to PhidgetInterfaceKit. So add a Phidget, start the Webservice and add analog Input (Sensors) or digital Input - read the values (1024/0|1) out over a special C#-Class or control a servo/lights/leds.
Is there more to say than enjoy it?
Making games can be more than be in digital media .-) [again].
René (part of gamedesign of the university of arts zuerich -
I just found this for a museum project I am working on that uses phidgets. This saved my neck. Only took me a half hour to get the phidgets up and running in unity thanks to your c# class.
Hi, has anyone tried this on Unity v3 beta 5?
I can emulate in unity but cannot get signals from web server? Maybe I missed something… do I need to specify my web server name?
Edit: found out I had to set phidget version in the script to 1.0.6, then everything worked…oh and also set player setting to net 2.0…
I’m using unity3d v3 for a project (game) together with phidgets and have trouble closing my game. I think it has something to do with the event handlers (c#) that are not unregistered right.
Have you got the same problem?
I’m really looking for a fix for this problem (phidgets are working fine in the game btw).