Photo editing possible?


I’m making an app which needs to have character customization in it. Now i have everything working nicely, i’m using Prime31 Etcetera plugin to take a picture and put that in my app. Now the thing is when i take the picture and resize it, i have the whole picture whereas i only need the head of the human in the photo. Is there a way to achieve this? Maybe cut everything out of the photo except the head? I’m looking into this how but there’s not much info on the unity3d forums about this topic!

Maybe i can use an oval or something to use as a cutting template is that possible? And if so how would i achieve this?

I wrote a character editor for and iOS app on the store.

(you’ll find a preview in the screens list)

The best is to create a selection tool where the user can set up himself the head area.
From here that is super easy to save the pixel info with the getPixel function, set a new texture with the selection size and to finally SetPixel on the new picture.

Finally you can save the result in the app Documents folder for further use as backup.