PhotoCapture/VideoCapture Problems


I am currently in the process of setting up the holographic camera for a unity project where I’m taking mixed reality images and videos. The issue that I am encountering is that when I activate the picture/recording function the holographic elements get offset, the user probably sees from the holographic camera point of view. The interactions still work as if it is from the normal camera. On the captures it looks normal though. The project is being created in Unity3D (version 6000.0.29f1) with the latest mixed reality toolkit assets from the unity asset store and I am building to the HoloLens 2.

I used this to activate the holographic camera (while checking that it is has WINMD support): Mixed reality capture (DirectX) - Mixed Reality | Microsoft Learn

For the mixed reality images and videos I used (Unity - Scripting API: PhotoCapture and Unity - Scripting API: VideoCapture) which I believe are based on the microsoft mixed reality capture/ microsoft media capture.

I would be grateful for any pointers you could provide. In case you need additional information let me know.

For further information, I tried the code using unity 2022.3.16 and mart 2.8 and there it works without the user being shown the holographic camera view.

I have this too on Unity 6000.0.28f1 and MRTK3.
Capturing using VideoCapture.

I think this bug does not exist on the release configuration, master seems to have this problem in my case. Try building with release.

Related older post of same issue:

Thank you for the response. Sorry about that, I tried searching on the forum for it but it never gave me any results when I searched for photo capture. For me I always build on release but I could try to build on master maybe for me its the other way around.

Ah bummer, well I noticed this issue as I did a build submission I decided to go with the master which I think is also used for store submissions, later I noticed this bug.
However pretty sure I hadn’t changed any URP settings so there wasn’t much that could have caused it.

To give some more info, I have not used any solution to get better recording profiles, as the VideoCapture does not give the proper ones.
So I have ended up using the 896x504 30FPS mode.

I guess we will just need to wait for the bug to be fixed. Hopefully it won’t take too long. I am using the max resolution and frame rate available at the moment. I don’t think it has anything to do with that though.

Hey folks, do any of you report an actual bug via the editor? If not, could you please do that so we could dig into this issue?

I sent in a bug report when I made this thread. I got assigned a QA engineer yesterday.

Thanks, do you mind sharing the bug number?

Of course. Here is the number plus title from the bug report:
IN-93441 - Holographic camera Issues with Photo/Video Capture

Do you have any update, I have similar issue when using the Camera on the Hololens 2, when I’m using their azure comunication services. My holograms are like offset.

I’m using unity 6.00000.0.37f1

I haven’t heard anything yet. I did send unity two emails, but haven’t heard anything back.

I tried to search the issue IN-93441 like you mention, but I couldn’t find it on the issue tracker on unity website, do you have the link to this issue?

In the email I received I got a button (Check Report Status is what the button is called) with which I need to log in to an atlassian account, where when I get logged in I don’t see anything having to do with unity or the bug. But otherwise no links. I got the number from the title

It is my first bug report so maybe I missed something here. I found it weird that I never even got a response to my emails, but then this was the only way I could contact them. (I sent the first email on the 31st of January)

Hi, I just found out how to log in to see the status of the ticket. It’s currently under review, although what I mentioned before still stands that I heard nothing from the reviewer once I sent the additional information.

well I hope they fixed, but I did not have high hopes because Hololens platform is abandoned by Microsoft