It will be use to update users on the status of the demo as new update for new platforms will come later.
The demo focus on Photogrammetry. To illustrate how good Photogrammetry authored assets work fine in various lighting condition the demo come with 3 different lighting variants.
The other goal was to be close to a game production workflow for the level and the the main target is PS4 at 1080p at 30fps.
The first and third navigation mode and the character animation (Download from the assets store in state) are not the focus of this demo and are available simply to give a game look feelings.
This demo is compatible with 2018.1b10 and above. Current 2018.1b10 link:
The project for can be downloaded here.
The pre-built PC stand alone player can be downloaded here.
A PlayStation 4 pre-built version of this project is available to registered developers on the Unity forum on the PlayStation 4 developer site here.
The documentation about the demo can be downloaded here.
Current 2018.2b8 link (Use HDRP package 2.0.3-preview):
The project for can be downloaded here.
The pre-built PC stand alone player can be downloaded here.
Current 2018.2f2 link (Use HDRP package 2.0.5-preview):
Improvement: Replace fake light shafts by volumetric fog + some cosmetic improvement
The project for can be downloaded here.
The pre-built PC stand alone player can be downloaded here.
Hello, opening the project in Unity 2017.3.1 i have this error : “ShaderIncludePath’ could not be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?”, do you have any solution ?
Have you guys tried implementing AutoLOD or some other form of mesh combination approach for this? Static geometry could all be combined into a single mesh and culled with compute shader. Trees and plants could be combined too and animated through shader.
I’d be curious to see how far we could go with performance in this demo. Seems to me like there are still many opportunities for improvements, and it would be great to have a public project that focuses on these sorts of things. Though I’m guessing the Book of the Dead demo will be more seriously focused on performance than this one
Are there plans to facilitate these sorts of drawcall-reducing optimizations in the HDPipeline? I think I’ve seen vague hints at a “new batcher” on the github repo
I feel like the PostFX decisions in this demo don’t really do it justice. The image looks very blurry/muddy and overburdened with visual pollution. It looks like someone stuck their fingers into the camera lens. I thought Book of the Dead was kinda guilty of this too, but to a lesser extent.
With some very simple tweaks that have no negative impact on performance, we can
sharpen the TAA (or use SMAA)
remove the DOF
make the bloom look more subtle and tasteful
tone down the vignette
remove chromatic aberration (or as I prefer to call it: “chromatic abomination”)
The game now looks sharp, clean and beautiful!
Here’s a comparison:
Blurry, “crank everything to 11” post-processing
Actually I’m pretty sure individual trees are already animated through shader in this demo right now, but the thing I’m talking about is to turn all trees into a single mesh (a single draw call) that is animated through shader as if they were individual trees
It would give the exact same end result visually, but with a potentially immense performance boost
By using this sort of technique in the past, I’ve seen my framerate go from 15 fps to 200 fps
Thank you Unity for releasing this, I spent the better part of 6 hours pulling it a part and love the integration of photogrammerty assets into a custom terrain mesh that works so seamlessly! The value of the new vertex animation for use with vegetation is a big win too! I’m looking forward to using these new technics in our studios next game!
Figuring out a solid workflow for iteration and testing the custom terrain meshes will take some time, I was wondering if there will be any videos, or docs about this? It would be so appreciated!
this definitely isn’t compatible with Unity’s default occlusion system, but you can write shaders whose job is to handle occlusion for this new approach (example)
However, I never reached that point in my own project, and @SebLagarde probably knows way more than me about this
Ah your dragons hehehe. Anyway i tested this scene and its look cool but question is: do you have kind of baker or something ti batch grass i to sectors?
We checked wind and its really cool. Our trees works on it from today.
Scene is really cool but i now it crash everytime when i try to hit play
Was the same for me most of the time with Unity 2018.1.0b11. I figured it doesn’t crash when I use the main menu function to load the various day scenes exclusively, i. e. hit Load Levels → Day.
Nope but same masks I used before unity 2018. All my asset got this convention all the time because instead of 3 or 4 textures you use only 1. This kind of format is used in unreal too. Adam Goodrich had such tool somewhere, I help him a bit in this. Ask him maybe he will share it to you:).
I use menu and got crash during scene load. It works only when i manualy drag and drop scenes to load.