hello everyone,
dose anyone know why expectedUsers in photon dosen’t work ?
am i miss something ?
any trick ?
public override void OnJoinRandomFailed(short returnCode, string message)
string roomName = "Room " + Random.Range(1000, 10000);
RoomOptions options = new RoomOptions {MaxPlayers = 3, PublishUserId = true};
string[] expectedUsers = new string[] { "5" };
PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom(roomName, options, null, expectedUsers);
foreach (var item in expectedUsers)
I’ve never used expected users, because you can set the rooms max players? (Photon Unity Networking 2: Room Class Reference … a couple down in the properties.)
However, why you’re not getting the desired results, is you’re making a new array of strings, with a size of one. The only element inside the array is the string “5”. It could be “thisisfive”, and it’s still the same size array. To initialize an array with a size of 5 you would do so like:
string[] names = new string[5];
(I dont think this is what you’re trying to do, but I figured I would mention it) I know the api isn’t the most fun to comb through, but it does have the answers. If you are trying to make a private room, that’s an entirely different story and out of the scope. I can’t tell what exactly you’re trying to do, so a little more description would have been helpful. Nonetheless, I hope this helps
Hello @maross334
Yes, I didn’t describe my problem very well.
Here is the deal :
Actually, my game doesn’t have any (visual) room or lobby.
The game is co-op. 2 Player. Once players bound to each other
(Having the same unique identifier), they can only play together.
I know this is not fun and solid type of game
My plan was to set that expectedUsers as a unique id to bound two players together. So they can only join each others room not someone else.
(number 5 was just text because i was frustrated and mad of testing actual letters, so i tried to test numbers as a text).
I set max player to 3 because photon dose not allow join second player. Mybe because i using photon cloud.
Thank you very much for your answer.