Hello everyone. Almost a month ago I posted about a blog series I had written to take users from nothing all the way up to a SmartFoxServer application and a web frontend that allowed you to use unity3d to securely log in, create and select characters, and bring you to the beginning of an MMO. I had since then done the same in Photon and today I completed the Photon portion. The Photon tutorial assumes you follow the first few steps of the SmartFoxServer to get the web site up and running.
I believe it offers a good beginning even just to read through to see what each is capable of doing. I have also recently moved it from its previous home on blogger to my own website. If you wish to read up and follow along you can find my site at CJR Gaming. You can also find all the code used in GitHub for SmartFox and Photon in an open repository.
All of this is provided free of charge to you guys. However, i won’t say no to donations