Hi everybody ! 
First, i use Photon network in my project ! 
I have some trouble with Scene object,
-i use a Spawn system to create Scene object (monster)
-I know that scene object can be destroy exclusively by the master client cause the ownsership of a scene object is the master
so , how can i do if a other client killed a monster ? is it possible to transfer the ownership of a sceneobject to a other client ?
I read the basic tutorial of PUN to transfer ownership but i don’t really understand how it’s work and how to do that …
Maybe , my spawn system is not the good way ?
Thx for helping !
Have a good day
So, no one replied to you in a long a time:)
And your reply was oh so helpful, and it being your first post, I’d ban you if I were a mod!
As you’ve seen fit to dredge this up, in case anyone else is struggling with the same issue and reads this, ownership can be transferred using RequestOwnership(), or you could send an RPC to the MasterClient instructing it to delete it for you.
I think the first option is preferred, due to the fact that the MasterClient can disconnect before receiving the RPC in which case it would be lost.
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That happens when no one who sees the thread knows the answer in the short time before the question drops lower on the page. Please don’t necro the other thousands of similar threads.
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