How do I enable or disable an object over network?
I followed Quill18’s fps tutorials if that helps?
I just want to enable and disable and object attached to the main camera go my fps controller.
How do I enable or disable an object over network?
I followed Quill18’s fps tutorials if that helps?
I just want to enable and disable and object attached to the main camera go my fps controller.
Fix me if i’m wrong
This comes from my photon enter exit script and took me a few months to figure out.
void RemoveBlock(int BlockToRemove, bool setActive)
PhotonView Disable = PhotonView.Find(BlockToRemove);
by using the pun rpc ran through a void.
void DisableChildObject(bool setActive)
GetComponent<PhotonView>().RPC("RemoveBlock", PhotonTargets.AllBuffered, Human.transform.gameObject.GetComponent<PhotonView>().viewID, setActive);