Photon Engine compatibility with ECS in Unity

Hi Team,

We all know Unity has released the production ready of ECS (Entity Component System). Recently we have started a multiplayer project in Unity 3D. My Team and I have decided to migrate that project into ECS, but we have kept that thought on hold. Because we should need clear picture of Photon Engine (PUN, Fusion, Realtime, Quantum) support of ECS before starting the migration. As far as I know Photon uses monobehaviour in Unity. Is Baker authentication enough to access photon engine components or is there any different approach? Please provide the information.

Mahanth K

You should direct that question to Photon directly.

The Photon SDKs do not directly support Unity’s ECS.
Quantum uses it’s own ECS and physics to achieve determinism. This helps it drive the simulation on all clients. If you would base your game on this, you won’t have to think about how you integrate networking with Unity’s physics, etc. In fact, you barely have to think about networking at all as you only have to send the input and run the simulation based on everyone’s input.

If you got a Photon account, open the Profile page and join the Discord. There you can get more input on such topics.

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