So I am working on a project that uses PUN and so I want to know how to do a map selection because I want my game to have multiple maps but I don’t know how to do it. If anyone helps me, it would be very nice. (Also, i want to use a dropdown in the creation of the room and after that, there is a list of players where the host can press ‘PLAY’ to start the match for ALL players in the selected map)
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class CreateRoom : MonoBehaviour
private Text _roomName;
private Text RoomName
get { return _roomName; }
private Toggle _privateToggle;
private Toggle PrivateToggle
get { return _privateToggle; }
public bool IsPrivate = false;
public byte PlayerMax = 4;
public Text RandomRoomNameText;
private string randomRoomName;
public string theRoomName;
public byte sceneToLoad;
public void OnClick_CreateRoom()
RoomOptions newRoomOptions = new RoomOptions() { IsVisible = IsPrivate, IsOpen = true, MaxPlayers = PlayerMax };
newRoomOptions.customRoomProperties = new ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable();
newRoomOptions.customRoomProperties.Add("map", sceneToLoad);
newRoomOptions.customRoomPropertiesForLobby = new string[] { "map" };
if (PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom(theRoomName, newRoomOptions, TypedLobby.Default))
print("Verification accepted");
print("Verification failed");
private void OnPhotonCreateRoomFailed(object[] codeAndMessage)
print("Failed to create a room: " + codeAndMessage[1]);
private void OnCreatedRoom()
print("Room succesfully created");
private void Start()
randomRoomName = "Room " + Random.Range(1, 999);
void Update()
RandomRoomNameText.text = randomRoomName;
if(PrivateToggle.isOn == true)
IsPrivate = false;
} else
IsPrivate = true;
if(RoomName.text == null)
theRoomName = randomRoomName;
theRoomName = RoomName.text;