My idea is to make web dashboard for each of my game, and i want to load total player count for each.
For example, i should to send HTTP request to Photon and get my players from my Photon App.
Is there way to do it?
We don’t provide the counters via HTTP for the Public Cloud, sorry.
What is the idea of this?
My idea is to make web dashboard for each of my game to view players of each game. (Each game have it’s own App ID.) I mean not server players, but total players of some App.
ok, is that possible to make quick connect in-game? i mean like connect , get player count, then quick disconnect.
i think it will not work if there full server?
You could do that and have more fluctuation in the CCUs and plenty of players being reported as online but not even looking for matches.
I think you may want to reorganize your app. Use one AppId and a Lobby per type of game that can be played.
You can get “Lobby Stats”, so clients would know how busy each lobby is.
If you search for a room per lobby, this makes your matchmaking basically as easy as if you split AppIds (which is at least a grey area in regards to our terms).