Photon, How To: Send Message Across Network

Hi there,
I am using Photon and am struggling with how I can get a local object to send a message to the other players that the “flag was obtained” or that “round is over”.

I thought by using…

       this.this_photonView.RPC("roundOver", PhotonTargets.All);

… that if I used the [PunRPC], any function, with that tag, would be sent the message, “roundOver”. This is not the case tho.

I am going to look into the chat examples, but in the meantime, was hoping for some insight.


What is the problem? Your line will call all remote and your own roundOver methods. You send it, others/all recive it. I don’t really get what your problem is lol

Just going over my set up now

Thanks, I got a stable build going.
