I’m using the Photon Network, and I was wondering how to get the players that are currently in the room? Like their player name, etc.
I’m using the Photon Network, and I was wondering how to get the players that are currently in the room? Like their player name, etc.
You can use:
PhotonNetwork.playerList - List of ALL player in the room.
Or you can use:
PhotonNetwork.playerName and PhotonNetwork.otherPlayers - Your player and list of others players.
here is how you list players name in current room in Photon Unity Networking PUN2
public void AddAllActivePlayers()
Dictionary<int, Photon.Realtime.Player> pList = Photon.Pun.PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.Players;
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Photon.Realtime.Player> p in pList)
print(p.Value.NickName );