I’m creating a game with photon network but only one thing I’m not redeemed to do, as in my game a player must shoot a collision object to bring life to the enemy, the script connected to the object that destroys it has only a PhotonNetwork.Destroy (gameObject); but the enemy remains alive, even if I write GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag (“Player”); the tag player have it all the players so only the master client kills it but the connected client remains alive (I could connect a script event but I want to understand) even with if (photonView.isMine)…thank you guys!!
an object can only be destroyed with PhotonNetwork.Destroy(...);
if it has been instantiated by using PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(...);
. If those object are scene objects, only the MasterClient can destroy them.
Besides those information, please be more precise about the situation you have, I honestly don’t understand the problem at all.