Photon Networking Guide

Perfect thank you


My friend and I were walking along a corridor, chatting, and then he suddenly stopped. So I waited with him. I asked him if he was ok, and has said that he was fine but that he had come to a huge canyon with a river running below him and was a little worried about jumping across! I knew that the canyon was much further on so I raced up the corridor and arrived at the canyon. I couldnā€™t see him but he could see me!! Why had he left his avatar skin behind?


was wondering if this photon guide includes a matchmaking tutorial and example as your other unity networking guide?

I see that there is a lobby tutorial here but is it with matchmaking?

Iā€™m thinking about using photon for my game because I heard its more powerful than Unities networking. Will I be able to have 64 player FPS matches?

hey I bought the photon tutorial. Although the tutorial_2A scenes are not working as expected. The 2nd client cannot connect to a game and see the master client move the box around.

[quote=ā€œroger0, post:24, topic: 471609, username:roger0ā€]
Iā€™m thinking about using photon for my game because I heard its more powerful than Unities networking. Will I be able to have 64 player FPS matches?
[/quote]You do realize building an authoritative FPS with Photon is an immense job? since you need to implement all the physics yourself on the server.

unities physics doesnt work with photon? Is there a prebuilt physics package out there that works with it? What about ulink?

[quote=ā€œroger0, post:27, topic: 471609, username:roger0ā€]
unities physics doesnt work with photon? Is there a prebuilt physics package out there that works with it?
[/quote]you can not use the Unity physics on the server when running photon, as photon runs outside of Unity. You can obviously still use the physics on your clients, but the server will be ā€œdumbā€ in that way that it canā€™t check if you hit someone when you shot, etc.

No there is no physics package for Photon that I know of.

Ok so what if I use rigid bodies for tanks and vehicles. Will that work over a PUN network? Will collision even work?

PUN works very much like Unityā€™s networking does: All the work is done by clients. Forget the server in this case. Itā€™s there to allow hassle free connections between players but it doesnā€™t interact with them.
So, yes, collisions will work but one of the clients is going to be authoritative. There is a ā€œMasterClientā€ for that (the player who is in the game the longest time).

But will rigid bodies work for projectiles and vehicles over the network?

I know there are other threads for Network interpolation/extrapolation but this is about the NetworkRigidbody.cs scripts in this package.

I used the NetworkingRigidbody script with unity networking and it smoothed my players out perfectly. Now when I use your NetworkRigidbody script from this package for use with my Photon Cloud it does not work. It gives me the same jittery crap as if nothing was happening. I noticed that the script is always extrapolating which is to be expected. Is there something Iā€™m missing here?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

We didnā€™t specifically work on support of the NetworkRigidbody script.
Where is it from? Maybe itā€™s not too difficult to make it run.

Hey every body,

At last, after working hard on my own master server solution, I realized itā€™s good if check this asset out for my game project.
On the Photon cloudā€™s web site I read there are cloud serverā€™s in the US, Europe as well as Asia (Default is Europe which is acceptable for me).
Hum I was so glad until I ran the project (worker sample of this tutorial) and I faced with Ping of 300 !!! I live in Iran (Middle East). Terrible !!! What does it mean by this ping rate for me?
I played lots of online games (Most of them on the servers located in the USA) average ping I had was about 140 and at worst situations around 200.
Ping of 200 was awful because I always had a big delay. I was killed when I realized someone is there just in front on me. Now with ping of 300 on Photon cloud I imagine it will be a dead solution for my home country project. Most of my players are from Iran so after facing with this delay they wont come back ever.

Since in this thread there are some experts from Photon Iā€™d like to ask them if there is a way to get this ping lower? Or I have to have my own server located in Asia?

Thank you so much.

Hi ND,

While the cloud is located in 3 locations, none of them are very close by. Most likely you are already connected to the EU (Netherlands). If you want ExitGames can help you try the other 2 locations but I doubt you get a -much- better ping there.

Your best option is to run a Photon server yourself in Iran, considering you have the most players there. It is quite easy to install such a server yourself. Youā€™ll have the same features as the cloud hosting but also the ability to expand the server side logic if required.

Updated on the asset store
v1.15: Updated the PUN guide to PUN 1.16.2

What does it mean by Pricing : Per App/ Server ? If I want to run 2 different games on one VPS, I have to buy 2 licenses?

Can we connect to Photon Cloud from HTML5? It seems to only be for Photon Server (drat!)

Iā€™m wondering is your solution send one message per View or per Client (I mean combine all views messages in one stream)?

We just launched the javascript SDK for the cloud.