photon player freak out!

i am developing a multiplayer prototype with photon. i did set everthing up correctly but when i connect two clients to the server they start to control
each other. how do you fix so each control there own player?

It seems that you’re creating a player controlled character through network.Instantiate(). This will spawn the prefab for everyone on the server as a controllable character, in that scenario everyone is indeed controlling all characters. Without going into detail about how your setup is working I’ll note some solutions I have seen in the past:

Spawn a different prefab setup locally than for the others on the server. That way locally you could have the controllable version, though the other players have a different version that is controlled by server data.

Another solution with similar results is to have the controllable component disabled on the prefab (so it’s instantiated with being controllable as disabled.) Then all you have to do is enable it for the local player. In this case you could enable it within the OnJoinedRoom() method.