Photon - Problem

Hello. I have a problem with setup a network game. I want to play network animation which i have assigned to subobject but anim deosnt play. I have problem with hands witch are assinged to Camera. They are invissible all the time. Sorry for my bad english.

Use OnPhotonSerializeView view and send next the mecanim parameters and recive remote mecanim parameters to sync remote animations playing.

Are the hands local or network ?

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Heh. Its more complicated than i thought. I will try add animations instead an animator. Local. + I have done other project where i only added Photon Animator View component and it worked…

I don’t remember but I think animator view was working almost the same. However, “invisible all the time”, what’s the point of your hands, check if mesh renderer is active or the object its self. Do you see the hands on editor camera view?