In my game, there’s one scene with 3 different small maps. I made a script to load the player into a room when the player enters these maps, but I don’t want them loading into the same room as the other players in different maps.
TLDR; How can I have it so that the player that goes to map one, doesn’t join the same room as a player in map two?
Edit: I came up with this but it doesn’t work
RoomOptions options = new RoomOptions();
options.EmptyRoomTtl = 5000;
options.IsOpen = true;
options.IsVisible = true;
options.MaxPlayers = 10;
ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable properties = new ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable{ {"m", mapNum} };
options.CustomRoomProperties = properties;
PhotonNetwork.JoinRandomOrCreateRoom(expectedCustomRoomProperties: properties,typedLobby: TypedLobby.Default, roomOptions: options, roomName : Random.Range(10000, 99999).ToString());
The players can’t join each other and instead create a room every time.