Photon Server Hosting

Hi. I know that Photon has a Cloud service that let’s you connect to other peers. I also know that Photon has an SDK that let’s you build a server application. Does Photon also provide space for us to host that server application?

As a first step, you can always check out if you can work with Photon without modifying the server-side. As long as you don’t need custom logic on the server, you can fall back to using the Photon Cloud (shared, managed servers, pretty cheap).
When you need custom logic on the server, get the Server SDK. There is a simplified “Server Plugin” API, which is best for starting.

We don’t do hosting of your custom servers, unless the needed cluster is big enough to warrant using an Enterprise Cloud (above 2k CCU).
You can host Photon Servers on any bare metal Windows machine or on Azure, AWS, etc. Renting at least a few machines as bare metal with lots of included bandwidth is recommended. :slight_smile:

Thank you very much. I don’t know where I’m going yet so if I do incorporate networking then I’ll host the server on my local machine first.