Photon - Syncing object's color to all players?

I’m trying to sync an object’s render.material.color, to all other player’s basically.

I have a basic understanding of Unity and Photon, and I’ve tried sending an RPC to change the color, but the problem is, when another player joins the room, they can’t see the color change, and its default for them.

I’ve heard of the Stream.Sendnext etc, etc. But I’m not sure if this works for things other then Position, and Rotation. I don’t know how I’d set it up to Stream an objects color.

I need to know what’s the best way of doing something like this, and honestly this goes for other syncing issues aswell, such as visual stuff, on each player.

I would truely love some help on this, I don’t quite need to post code, as its not really code related for me, I actually need to know how.

Turns out, I managed to kick all all of your butts, and figure it out myself.

To anyone who had this terrible problem, change

photonView.RPC(“ColorRed”, PhotonTargets.All, null);


photonView.RPC(“ColorRed”, PhotonTargets.AllBuffered, null);

Basically doing the .AllBuffered was the trick. I’m so glad I figured it out.

Thank you