Photon Unity Networking problem [Photon View] + Kam3ra

I am having a problem where I have one player on the server, then the second client connects to the server and sets its control to the first player… kinda weird. Also Photon View does not seem to be working where I am supposed to be seeing client 1 or 2 moving around :confused:

Here’s a video demonstration:

Here is code for NetworkManager:

void OnJoinedRoom()
GameObject player1 = PhotonNetwork.Instantiate ("Character1",, Quaternion.identity, 0);

Camera.main.GetComponent<User> ().player.SetTarget (player1.GetComponent<Actor>().target);


I’m using Kam3ra for handling the camera position. which has the User + Actor class.
The character holds the Actor component and the Main Camera holds the User class.

Thanks in advance!

The setup looks ok on first sight but maybe some error happens. You can see that the initial update is there and the second client saw the first player where it was standing but then didn’t get further updates.
Post your log please.