Actually, i don’t have ping lower than 50.
I’m using Photon Pun 2, EU Region, both server and me.
Is that because i’m using free tier server, or do you have the same ping everywhere?
If for example i connect from the US region it show me about 250ms ping.
All players is lagging and it’s impossible to play at all.
So, is there any response from the Photon staff?
There is no way we can explain the ping your connection gets you. From HH to the EU servers, I got 25-28ms today, e.g…
While a ping of 50 isn’t great, it should also not be a problem as such. It is generally a good idea to hide the lag instead of limiting your player base by requiring low ping times.
Also: PUN prioritizes a simple approach and won’t aim for most accurate results, usually. You may want to look into Fusion, which has better tooling for timing accuracy and movement replication.
Let’s say that 40 is a normal ping, but even if i got 45-60, it can jump up to 100-120 for a moment.
I will take a look at Fusion and get back to you. By the way is Fusion supported in WebGL builds?
do a traceroute, find where it goes…it might help you understand more
You will have to use the “Shared Mode” (which does not make use of a Host / Dedicated Server) but it is supported and well.
Can you please tell me which of your SDKs this game use?
Is it PUN?
Sorry, I don’t know. Also, we’d first ask customers if we can talk about how they use our tech.