i use photoncloud for my network
i did script identification for my game (login password with API web REST), it’s ok.
I would check before the player is connected if it is not already there. I tested PhotonNetwork.playerList, but this var return only current player local player. (.otherplayer not work)
Thx for your responses
You need to ask your REST api if a user is logged in or not. Photon doesn’t identify users or accounts. It uses whatever the client sends.
The playerList is only listing the players in a room and the names in there can be considered a nickname and don’t even have to be unique.
thx a lot for your reponse.
For you, when a player connect, i send in rest api he is connect with ID,
and when he disconnect, in OnDisconnectedFromPhoton, i send offline ?
For example, how to send rpc to this ID a RPC commande? (if i want disconnect current player after login a new player)
OnDisconnectedFromPhoton don’t work
do you have idea to load a web page after quit application?
You mean when the user closes the app? I’m not sure if it will be able to connect to a webpage in time before the app really closes. I guess you can only try.
I’d say you have to solve this on the client side, as the Photon Cloud doesn’t do callbacks and can’t check a particular user’s account or something like that.
Yes, if i found a solution, i will post in this post.
Thank you tobiass