PhotonNetwork wrong vector3 settings

hey guys im having some problems with this PhotonNetwork Instantiating.
i have this part in my script it works but it spawns at 0,0,0, in the world not at the spawnpoint
how can i get this to spawn at the spawnpoints center?

PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(“Bullet”, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity, 0);

Hi @Wesley21spelde,

instead of using new Vector3(0, 0, 0) as a parameter you can use the position vector you want. If you have a reference to the spawnpoint when instantiating the object, you can use its position for example by using spawnpoint.transform.position.

For example: PhotonNetwork.Instantiate("Object", spawnposition.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, 0);