PhotonView.IsMine not working?

The code I’m about to show worked correctly up until I made a few changes in the editor and now it no longer works. All I did was add GUI windows so I’m not sure how this happened.

	public void GetShot(float damage, PhotonPlayer enemy){
		//Take Damage and check for death
		health -= damage;
		if(health <=0 && alive){

			alive = false; 
			Debug.Log ("<color=blue>Checking Health</color>" + health + " Alive: " + alive);
			if (photonView.isMine) {
				Debug.Log ("Death");
				if(SendNetworkMessage != null){
					SendNetworkMessage( + " got owned by " +;
				//Subscribe to the event so that when a player dies 3 sec later respawn
				if(RespawnMe != null)
				//Only owner can remove themselves
				//Create deaths equal to stored hashtable deaths, increment, Set
				int totalDeaths = (int)PhotonNetwork.player.customProperties["D"];
				totalDeaths ++;
				ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable setPlayerDeaths = new ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable() {{"D", totalDeaths}};
				//Destroy Object on network
				Debug.Log ("<color=green> Collider State After</color>"+transform.GetComponent<Collider>().enabled.ToString());
				foreach(PhotonPlayer p in PhotonNetwork.playerList)
				Debug.Log ("<color=red>PlayerLIst</color>" +;

				if(PhotonNetwork.player == enemy){

					int totalKIlls = (int)PhotonNetwork.player.customProperties["K"];
					totalKIlls ++;
					ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable setPlayerKills = new ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable() {{"K", totalKIlls}};
					Debug.Log ("<color=red>KillCounter Called at </color>" + totalKIlls);


It will execute everything that isn’t int he PhotonView.isMine. If I take it out it still wont’ execute what is in the myphoton view. I just don’t get it. No errors either.

PhotonView.isMine returns if “this client” currently controls the GameObject with the PhotonView. By default, that’s the case for all GameObjects which the client created from Prefabs via PhotonNetwork.Instantiate() but you can now also take control of other game objects. See “Onwership Transfer” in the online docs and the demo.

Only one client is the owner of a GameObject and only on one client, code inside a isMine check will run.

Turns out it was an active GUI causing is mine to return false. Have no idea why but disabling it during game time fixed the issue.