Hi Forum
in our spare time between working on assets for you we have been working on a shader that everyone should have
Let us know what you think and give any suggestions on features
Here is a little preview
Web Player on its way
Hi Forum
in our spare time between working on assets for you we have been working on a shader that everyone should have
Let us know what you think and give any suggestions on features
Here is a little preview
Web Player on its way
Looking good
look awesome when can we start using it?
Looking good, how’s the performance compared to Lux and Jove.
Like it. So, what about the ETA and the price?.
Any glass shader ?
I will be testing performence against outher PBR shaders today and i will post the results
i think it will be ready this week and it will be available to anyone that percheses a sinister asset for free
(New and old coustomers)
We have a shader on the asset store GLASS-FX for high performance glass shading
Cool looking forwards to that, will there be a free version like jove?
To summary if i buy this one, I can have the PBR?. If so, this is a good deal.
yes any paid asset will give you access to our PBR shader
If you own one of our paid assets you will get this free no matter when it was purchased (2 years ago/ during a sale) is fine
Performance Results
When testing the performace we tested against LUX as Jove was very over complicated under par for a physically based shader
Test Scene
145 Apocalyptic city 2 Pistols
2.5 million tris count
Maximum Quality and Max Quality Shadows
Vsync Off
Visual Difference
Very nice! The Sinster PBS looks more realistic compared to LUX. Looking forwards to it!
Beta Now Available via www.sinistergames.co.uk
Please Read T&C if you are a Unity Asset Store developer
You spelled fantasy wrong on your page.
LOL The funny thing is it was spelt correctly directly below it.
all fixed
Yeah I noticed that haha, but this looks badass. Will give it a check
Looks good. Unfortunately those performance comparisons don’t mean much without more details of your implementation… distribution functions, etc.