I am confused with one problem, and finally i don’t know any way to solve it. Here it goes picture what happens and describe.
As you can see the box collider is in different position(rotation) than rendered box… I used quaternions, slerp,lerp and all those methods got same issue. On the picture actually used transform.Rotate() but I guess it’s not method what makes problem. I 've also tried to attach rigidbody to “ladder”- cube and without. I used this tutorial and even with almost same script still got this problem not solved. One thing You can’t see is, good align of mesh and collider when they are in rotation == 90,180,270,0 , but when its different from them , than It start to looks like on the picture above.
I got no more ideas , so nicely and gentle try to ask for help.
here is what i were looking for Scaling is skewing child rotations - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions