I been searching around regarding this subject … Ultimately I won’t to not used canned animation and just make a game that uses calculated physics… For example I would like to assign a motion to a biped and have it do the rest… In my research I found
PBC, AnimFollow, FinalIK
Which of these get me closest to this ? Anything else out there I should look at ?
I can’t help you, but I can tell you that better describing your usecase and explaining why you NEED procedural animations (instead of traditional animations that are tweaked by addons like FinalIK) will increase the likelyhood of getting a useful reply.
If the reason is that you are bad at animating, then the better solution would likely be to buy animated assets or hire an animator. If it is even possible to make organic procedural animations for a biped rig then I’m sure it is a hell of a lot harder than animating it in a traditional way (which already is an art in itself). If you are going for a mech/robot character you might get away with artificial looking procedural animations. But then again you’d have to answer the “why” question first.
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I am just messing around and the concept of physics based controllers is interesting to me. I don’t have any interest in dealing with bipeds in the traditional sense anymore.
So I am hoping if I study Final IK and AnimFollow it will get me in the right direction and hopefully there will be more tools in the future on this topics…
So my first goal is to understand the basic difference between them and get a demo if there is one available.