I’m pretty new to this programming lark, but every problem I’ve come across so far I’ve managed to find a solution to. This one however has finally driven me to ask a question. Google doesn’t know, and Its broken me.
My requirements:
I want the user to be able to assign whatever button they want to make the character jump by using the Input Manager.
The issue:
my previous code using Input.GetKeyDown works perfectly, but I have now amended this to use the Input Manager (via Input.GetAxis) and it appears that 1 of 3 things (or a combination of these) is happening:
- The player mass is lighter
- The jump force is greater
- Gravity is weaker
As a result the character accelerates off of the screen at an insane speed, and takes a good few seconds to come back down to solid ground.
Interestingly, if I decrease the public jump force variable for the player in the inspector (from 90 to about 20) I get a similar-ish jump to before, but it is erratic: the jump height alters with each and every jump (almost as if a slightly different amount of force is being applied each time).
Previous code:
public float jumpForce = 90f;
Rigidbody2D rb2d;
void Start ()
rb2d = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
void FixedUpdate ()
if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Keypad0))
jump ();
void jump ()
rb2d.AddForce (new Vector2 (0, jumpForce));
New Code:
public float jumpForce = 90f;
Rigidbody2D rb2d;
void Start ()
rb2d = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
void FixedUpdate ()
jumpDetector = (Input.GetAxis ("Jump"));
if (jumpDetector > 0)
jump ();
void jump ()
rb2d.AddForce (new Vector2 (0, jumpForce));
Input Manager settings
(ignoring any settings that are blank or unticked)
Name: Jump
Positive Button: space
Gravity: 1000
Dead: 0.001
Sensitivity: 1000
Type: Key or Mouse Button
Axis: X axis
Joy Num: Get Motion from all Joysticks
Player Rigidbody2D Settings:
Body Type: Dynamic
Material: None
Simulated: Ticked
Use Auto Mass: No
Mass: 0.35
Linear Drag: 0
Angular Drag: 0.05
Gravity Scale: 1.3
Collision Detection: Discrete
Sleeping Mode: Start Awake
Interpolate: Interpolate
Freeze Position: No
Freeze Rotation: Yes
Physics2D Settings:
X: 0
Y: -10
Default Material: None
Velocity Iterations: 8
Position Iterations: 3
Velocity Threshold: 1
Max Linear Correction: 0.2
Max Angular Correction: 8
Max Translation Speed: 100
Max Rotation Speed: 360
Baumgarte Scale: 0.2
Baumgarte Time Of Impact: 0.75
Time To Sleep: 0.5
Linear Sleep Tolerance: 0.01
Angular Sleep Tolerance: 2
Default Contact Offset: 0.01
Queries Hit Triggers: Yes
Queries Start In Colliders: Yes
Change Stops Callbacks: No
I would kill for any sort of advice on this. I was about 5 inches away from a finished game, and it feels like the finish line has just been moved another 30 miles.
Thanks in advance!