I'm working on a force-scrolling 2d game where a horde of bad guys are chasing the hero.
The bad guys have kinematic rigid bodies and trigger (capsule) colliders. I made the rigid bodies kinematic, since I'm just moving the bad guys around (not using forces) and set the colliders to trigger, because if they were not triggers, they would not collide with other kinematic rigid bodies (cars and other hazards).
Collision detection is working the way I want it to except that when I do Physics.CapsuleCastAll(...) it doesn't detect the bad guys' trigger colliders.
The reason I'm doing the Physics.CapsuleCastAll() is for bad-guy AI--so they can avoid running into each other as they pursue the hero.
Physics.CapsuleCastAll(...) does detect my bad guys if I make their colliders non-trigger, but then they no longer collide with other kinematic rigid bodies.
In summary, a couple of quesstions:
1) Is Physics.CapsuleCastAll() not supposed to detect kinematic rigid bodies with trigger colliders? (all the docs I have found suggest that they should)
2) Is there a better approach for what I'm trying to do, e.g. I could make the bad guys' rigid bodies non kinematic; it just seems like real physics would be a pain in this type of force-scroll 2d game.
Thank you in advance for any help.