Physics causing huge lag :(

Hey, Im have been using unity for about a year now. I Have this problem. Before I could have tousands of pysics objects in my scne(cubes) and not get any lag. Now if I have more that like 20 i drop to 2 fps really fast. They have ridige bodies and and I have even but a box collider on then to make sure that was not the rproblem. and it was not. i dont see what the problem is and i have searched everywhere. I Nedd more than around 00 on screen becuase imma be having a convayor belt, and i cannot find a way to detect collision without using ridgid bodies… Thanks. sorry for spelling


Its apears to lag liek shit when i apply force, butu i dont know a way around it, i need a convayor belt and the nly way tomove them is to apply force? What can i do , Tyanks?


I need more information, 20 cubes with rigid bodies on a plain and that’s it? Try testing how many cubes you can spawn in a new project and scene then slowly add elements of your project that is lagging to see what is causing it. Also make sure none of the cubes are intersecting.

Anyone else have any ideas?